How To Prevent A Palm Tree From Growing Back Again After Removal

Palm trees can make a very attractive tropic feature on your land when grown singly or in groups and grow particularly well in coastal areas. Although palms are tolerant of windy conditions, very high winds can snap palm trunks if disease has already weakened the wood. In such circumstances it may occasionally be necessary to have the tree removed for safety reasons. Very large specimens are best dealt with by a professional tree services company, but you may want to remove a smaller tree yourself and prevent it from growing back. Read More 

How To Get Rid of Stump Grindings Following Tree Removal

If you have to have a tree removed from your garden by your local tree services contractor as a result of storm damage or disease, you'll be left with the stump. A tree stump that is left in the ground can look untidy and can also present a hazard to people using the garden, especially if it is in the middle of your lawn. The easiest way to remove the stump is by cutting it flush with the ground and then grinding it down. Read More